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guitar work


CLICK HERE to Schedule a Zoom or Request help from Mr. Maloney.


Second Semester Students:

How well can you play these melodies from Song Sheet 7: “Mozart Rondo” and “I Saw Three Ships.”  Do you have a good command of the fingerings? Is your tempo consistent?  If you like, try playing, “The Entertainer.” (This is the third example from Song Sheet 7.)  Imagine you’re required to play one of these three melodies on the Final. 


If you’ve mastered these already, try reading the arrangement of Bach’s Minuet in G.   How well are you doing on barre and half barre chords?  Can you strum through a song that has major and minor barre chords? For example: Hotel California, She Loves You, Three Little Birds or Radioactive. 


Have you tried writing any original music with the chords and techniques learned in class?


Demo Videos:


First Semester Students: 

How well do you know the melodies: Major Minor Duet and Can, Can?  If you’ve mastered them, try playing, Greensleeves.  Imagine you are required to play one of these three melodies on the Final.  Can you strum through the Chord Progression to “Hey Joe” (song 4 on your Popular Chord Progressions 1 work sheet.)  How well are you able to move from one chord to another.  


  • I’ll send a short, written section with questions about guitar and music theory early in the week.  Complete this for extra credit, as there would have been a written section on the Final.   


Thanks for your hard work this semester!

Mr. M 




Daily Practice Log: Keep a journal of your daily practice.  Log what you practice. Which parts are most challenging? Where have you improved throughout the week.  Please make at least four entries this week.  


Critical Listening: Pick a song/recording to evaluate.  Take note of any of the following: musical style, genre, instrumentation and things that stand out about the arrangement.

Want to make up work from previous weeks?

Email Mrs. Encina for assignments:

© 2020 by Bethany Encina  & Los Osos Choirs

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